Railroad Photography

And now for the reason why I did the [new layout](/en/blog/2008/04/Neues+Design): The site now also has a [Railroad photography section](/en/trains/). Kinda neat, isn’t it?

Pictures mainly deal with germany, for example the HSB

The pictures there have been on display at [DeviantArt](http://zcochrane.deviantart.com/), but I also wanted to show them at my personal homepage, i.e. here. Besides, I don’t trust DeviantArt 100% with my pictures. Their technology seems a little shaky at times.

At the moment, I just uploaded a few to test. More will come in time, and I’ll also integrate them with the RSS-feed and possibly show them here on the homepage as well. And in case you are wondering, yes, you can comment on the images as well.

Part of me also thinks about switching the current [Comics page](/en/comics/) over to the new gallery system. What do you think?

Written on April 14th, 2008 at 09:52 am


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