On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness

What a week. First of all, we had [Star Wars Legacy of the Force: Invincible][inv]. Then there was [Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystall Skull][indy]. Now, I finally finished [Penny Arcade][pa]’s game [On The Rainslick Precipice of Darkness Episode One][rainslick]. As a short summary: The game isn’t Indy, but it’s still lots of fun.

![Tycho, Gabe and a character by you all feature.][group]

The game is an episodic Adventure/RPG, set in 1922 in an alternate universe full of dark gods, demons and the like. Tycho and Gabe, the comic strip characters, are partners in a detective agency that investigates the occult. They are joined by a third character that you can create yourself.

![You get to talk with rather strange characters.][talk]

I’m not too much of a fan of the 3D versions of the characters, but you hardly ever see them up close anyway, so it doesn’t matter. Cutscenes and dialogue scenes all are in 2D and feature the classic, great Penny Arcade style. The dialogue itself is also typical Penny Arcade, which means it’s funny as hell and not at all suitable for minors. The game is rated M and it deserves it.

![Another important part is fighting.][combat]

During the course of the game you have to fight a variety of enemies, including mimes who will kill you with moves like “Pretend I Have a Grenade”, or the iconic Fruit Fucker[^1] in various versions. The actual combat is round based and more or less straightforward, although a multitude of powerups (for you) and powerdowns (for enemies) make the thing a little more complicated than I like.

Still, it’s overall a great game, it’s cheap, and if you like the comic I recommend you get it.

[^1]: I didn’t make the name, I swear!

Written on May 24th, 2008 at 07:02 am


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