Short Updates
Holy crap, I’ve really neglected the blog here. Sorry about that!
One reason for that is, of course, that much of my online updating activity now goes into the [photography section of this site][fotos]. While we’re talking about that, I’ve finally went ahead and switched that to a paged view, instead of having just one big blob. Part of me used to think that one big blob was better since you just have to scroll, never click, but on this page I quickly realized that I was wrong, way wrong, when it took too long too load even on my own computer.
Still lacking is a search, side-wide if at all possible, but maybe just the picture tags as a beginning. I might implement that tomorrow, but then, I just as well might not. I’d also like to put tags on the blog posts, and mix blog posts and pictures in the archives (as the RSS feed already does), but I still have to figure out a good UI for that.
Something I did a lot in the past was post about the progress of my game development projects. I got something new in that regard that I’m pretty happy with, but I’d still like to do some more work on it before I can show it.
Finally, you can now also find me on [Twitter][twitter] under I’d be happy to see you there, and I plan to put the latest messages from there here on the homepage in some way as well.
Written on February 21st, 2009 at 11:19 pm