Talk at Cocoaheads in May
I’ve [talked about the Cocoaheads Aachen-Meeting before][before], which are meets of Mac OS X and iPhone developers. I just wanted to say that next time I’m going to hold a little talk there.
The topic is Higher Order Messaging. That means instead of sending a message to an object to call a method, you intercept that message and do something else, e.g. send it later, on a different thread, to all objects in an array and so on. This is the first time I’m doing something like this, so I’d be happy about feedback.
The event is on may 28th at 9 PM, in the computer science center in Aachen. The [Cocoaheads Aachen Homepage][cocoaheads] has precise directions. It may happen that some doors are already closed at that time, but the ones you reach from Halifaxstraße are usually still open. If you’re not a regular, you should say that you’re coming via email (again, details on the homepage) just so that enough chairs will be available. Food and drinks are free (or have been so far, not entirely sure whether it still is). There may be additional talks, and there’s also a huge section where we just talk about coding. By the way, despite this blog and the official site being english, the event’s in german.
Update: I’ve just read that today, the meeting will be in a different room, number 2U13, which is basically the same location on the 2D-plane, but in the cellar instead. I believe this is the same room we’ve used last time due to a shortage of space.
Written on May 14th, 2009 at 04:24 pm
Torsten (admin)