Telekom Express

Telekom Express


German telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom offers internet access, mobile and fixed phone services and the like in many countries all over the world, and was recently in the papers for spying on journalists to find out who was leaking them confidential information. What I didn’t know and what you may not have not either is that they also have their own LRV line in their home city of Bonn.

Line 66 is a normal part of Bonn’s LRV network, open to everyone, operated by the same company and integrated normally into the schedule. However, it only runs with LRVs (Type B, to be precise) that have all-over Telekom advertisement and both the destination signs and the signs at the stations explicitly point out that this is the Telekom Express. Even the color in the network map is magenta (which could be a coincidence, of course, but I don’t think so). It’s seen here at I think Konrad-Adenauer-Platz, leaving towards the central station.


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