Back from Vacation

Anscheinend gab es doch jemanden, der dass hier auf Englisch liest.

So it seems like there are people who read this in english. So it appears that Björn doesn’t like when I post in english and Admiral Memo (someone from Sev, of all places. I love Sev, but I’m not very active there, only reading the comics. Nice to see that people from there come over here) has to use Babelfish to understand my site. So now I know why my site got hits directed from Babelfish, but I guess if I write the texts in english myself, they’ll be closer to what I really meant to say.

So the ultimate solution will be to create the content management system which supports entries in different languages and will serve you the one using the language the browser supplied. Saying that I wanted to do this is the main point of this post. Oh, and the other thing was: I was on vacation in Roma for a week and have now returned, so I will be able to make some more progress on my little game.

Last but not least, Admiral Memo has created a LiveJournal feed for my page. To be honest, I have no real clue what this LiveJournal is about, but I think it’s a good thing that people who have that clue can now do something with my site as well. Thank you!

Written on August 28th, 2005 at 02:42 pm


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