Trains in Games
I’m currently posting about this on all sites I have a password to, so my own homepage should probably recieve the information as well:
[Trains In Games][tig] is now open for anyone who’s interested, and everybody else as well!
What the hell is this? Computer games have the common attribute that they don’t care about railroads, so trains are always unrealistic and look like crap. Some players don’t notice, but others, like me, always get sick when they see stuff like [the trains in Tomb Raider Legend][trl]. So for this reason, I put together this website, which points out the largest sins, and tells the people what they should look out for. Together, we might change the trend!
I’m gonna put a real link somewhere here later. At the moment, the site is in the middle of a huge rebuild. The looks will remain, but the core functionality will be all new, and much simpler than the previous stuff. For example, the damned [AJAX-based comment system][ajax] will be changed to something less flashy, but more workingy. Later I’ll add new features, including a tighter integration between blog and rest of the site, and maybe an update to the graphics. We’ll see.
Written on November 30th, 2007 at 06:34 pm