WWDC Bingo

WWDC is happening again, and as usual, John Siracusa created a [bingo card][bingo].

This one looks rather easy on first glance, because lots of stuff has gone through the rumor mill and that is all repeated over and over again. I’d say the right-most two columns and the lowest two rows look like they have a good chance of winning (diagonals look good as well).

By the way: If 10.6 is really Intel-only, then there’s a good chance it won’t come on my computers any time soon. I have an Intel Mac, but I also use a nice iMac G5, and I’d like both of my computers to have the same system so that apps that I develop work the same on all of them.

Update: A bookmaker now accepts [real bets](http://www.bodoglife.com/sports-betting/business-financial-props.jsp), as in, about money (Link found via [Daring Fireball](http://daringfireball.net/linked/2008/june#thu-05-bodog_gambling)) about the result of the keynote. ThinkSecret may be dead and [CARS](http://www.crazyapplerumors.com/) on hiatus, but still, the Mac world manages to get a little more crazy every year.

Written on June 5th, 2008 at 03:51 pm


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