AM 75 in Brussels

AM 75 in Brussels

Posted: 24 October 2009

Taken:2009-10-24 01:21:32
Camera:Canon EOS 1000D
Exposure: -1/3
Exposure Time:1/60
Focal Length:55 mm


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What may be the name of this EMU? German Wikipedia (as well as hungarian, as far as I can tell) says it’s the NMBS/SNCB class AM 75/76/77. Dutch Wikipedia lists it as MS75 (which is actually a direct translation of the french AM 75), while french Wikipedia declares it to be Série 08, all of which are probably true from some point of view. Anyway, here one of those four-part EMUs for lower services is just entering the nice part of Brussels South, the central station of Belgium’s capital.


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