How the Other Half Lives

Posted: 25 April 2009
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Germany license.
Sorry for not posting anything from Berlin, I will, I’m just lazy. Anyway, this one is for the 110 fans out there, you know who you are. Me, I’m always surprised by who is one, but I think you know who you are.
This picture was taken on friday in Cologne central station. 110 420-7 leaves the station with the RE 9 to Siegen, a service that still sees occasional 110 use. I love the shadow patterns in this part of the station.
Now, 110 420-7, in Cologne, on Friday, didn’t we see that already? Answer: Yes, that is indeed the same train, :iconshenanigan87: were there at the same time. And no, we did not run into each other, as I was mainly at the southern end, while he was at the northern end. I guess you could label this synchronization failure. :D