Innotrans 2008 - Bombardier U5-25

Innotrans 2008 - Bombardier U5-25


The Frankfurt (Main) subway proves how ultimately futile our attempts at classification are, with a system that fits in the not-actually existing gap between subway and LRV system. This means that the trains have separate right of way everywhere, but are technically still based more on trams than anything. They also have to drive over Frankfurt’s streetcar system to get to the workshop for larger works and maintenance.

The newest vehicle there (shown here) is already the fifth generation, though all others are still driving as well, and to make it easy to remember it’s called U5. It’s a high-floor version of Bombardier’s Flexity-Swift series and consequently very similar to Cologne’s K5000. By the way, you can expect that the new trains for Manchester will be rather similar as well.

A new feature is that this EMU is available in two versions: On the one hand a classic double car, shown here, with the name U5-25, and on the other a vehicle that is nearly the same, but has only one cab. The other is an open walkway, and two of the kind are always coupled back-to-back. This is ultimately the same concept that has already proven itself in Hanover with the TW 2000 (single) and TW 2500 (double).


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