Traxx 2 AC2

Posted: 19 April 2008
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Germany license.
In Aachen West you always see interesting locomotives, such as (hold on) 91 80 6<b>185 581-6</b>D-BTK with the slightly nicer name "Celine Alia", a Bombardier Traxx 2 AC2. The unit was delivered only in june 2006, but has already managed to gather an impressive amount of dirt.
It belongs to CB Rail, a leasing company, and is currently in service with Crossrail, who apparently have something to do with Ewals Cargo Care. It’s capable of multiple electricity systems, to be precise 15 kV 16.7 Hz and 25 kV 50 Hz (no DC, though). While it’s homologated neither for the Netherlands or for Italy (as far as I can tell it’s allowed to Germany, Austria and Switzerland only), it has the white ends needed for the Netherlands and the red areas needed for Italy.