In California, in the context of the overall elections, there are several propositions for the people, one of them being Proposition 1A, which is all about providing money to build a Californian High-Speed Railway. Now, I don’t know much about californian politics, but I do know something about high-speed railways (same as every interested German), so I wanted to post some information here for Californians who might happen to land here.
Me and the Eragon Series (also known as Inheritance Tri-plus-one-o-logy) have a weird sort of relationship. I think the books are badly written, neither plot nor setting are original and certainly not well thought out. In short, I agree with every word ever written on [Anti-Shu’urtugal][anti]. And yet I find myself enjoying reading the books. Brisingr is no exception in any of these regards.
I was [recently][itblog] at Innotrans 2008 in Berlin, and apart from [many interesting trains][itbilder], I also saw a new bogie at Bombardier’s stand, at which there were stickers with the logo of the [IFS][ifs] of RWTH Aachen university.